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The dream felt like a confused memory,
The silence an oppressive gloom.
The fate of the world rested on my shoulder,
Few hours for the world to go "BOOM".

My mind was a vacuum,
An overwhelming sense of emptiness.
My heart caught in my throat,
How do I overcome this apprehensiveness?

Every teardrop is a waterfall,
Each word a gash on my heart.
I've strived so hard with my blood and my sweat.
I've struggled and endeavoured, I've come afar.

But when I have to face it,
The final moment of truth.
It strikes me and I fall behind,
In front of me, He stood.

A towering figure of purity,
Making me feel instantly calm.
As if the world around me had just paused,
And then He took me by one arm.

His presence, a welcoming comfort.
His grip, steadying me, yet firm.
And I welcomed Death with open arms,
And died a noble death I deserved.

I fell like a fallen warrior,
As Death laid out His dominion,
And watch from a land that I knew not existed,
As the world fell into oblivion. 


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