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Meant To Be

If she were a season, she’d be spring. Bright, sunny, full of life. If she were a flower, she’d be the rose. Beautiful and dainty. If she were a wine, she would be the champagne. Effervescent and tangy. Different strokes, for different folks. 

I still reminisce and cherish that day, the first time I ever laid eyes on her as she walked into the classroom. My mouth, I was told, had formed a perfect 'O'. She was gorgeous. Everything about her seemed so perfect, that somewhere deep inside the chasms of my heart, something tingled and sent a jolt of electricity running through my entire body, charging me with a rush of hormones coursing through my veins, a feeling I had never experienced before. My heart, it seemed, was hammering in my chest, and all of a sudden I became cautious that maybe others could hear it beat too. I could feel the heat off my face, as I blushed red like a ripe tomato in the prime time of its harvest.

Try as I might to not glance at her, it seemed as if my eyes made of iron were only attracted to her magnetic and attractive self. It was a weird sensation I was feeling, and one that made the very edges of my nerves turn molten; the blood coursing through my entire body felt as if a cataclysmic tsunami had washed over me - a surge of adrenaline so overwhelming like the undercurrent of a strong, swift river that swept away like the waves on the seashore.

I lifted my eyes once again, afraid to do so, and took a fleeting glimpse towards her and noticed her staring back at me. An avalanche of sensations burst inside me, as she held my gaze, and smiled a beautiful smile that would be etched in my heart for eternity. For once, I was left speechless and in short of words, and as we continued to stare into each others' eyes, it felt as if time had just stopped for everybody else but us.
And in that moment I realised, that she was the one for me. She was MEANT to be.


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