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Showing posts from 2014

Meant To Be

If she were a season, she’d be spring. Bright, sunny, full of life. If she were a flower, she’d be the rose. Beautiful and dainty. If she were a wine, she would be the champagne. Effervescent and tangy. Different strokes, for different folks.  I still reminisce and cherish that day, the first time I ever laid eyes on her as she walked into the classroom. My mouth, I was told, had formed a perfect 'O'. She was gorgeous. Everything about her seemed so perfect, that somewhere deep inside the chasms of my heart, something tingled and sent a jolt of electricity running through my entire body, charging me with a rush of hormones coursing through my veins, a feeling I had never experienced before. My heart, it seemed, was hammering in my chest, and all of a sudden I became cautious that maybe others could hear it beat too. I could feel the heat off my face, as I blushed red like a ripe tomato in the prime time of its harvest. Try as I might to not glance at her, it seemed as

A Student's Life...

I drag my bag to class all day,  All night I study, awake I stay. I study for examinations hard, Just hoping, aspiring, that I will pass. Project submissions haunt me all night,  Homework assignments give me a fright! In school, all I think of is the school bell's clang,  And then everything in my head goes bang! Cause "then my heart with pleasure fills",  And all is well and fine, until -  I shockingly and abruptly am Brought back to my senses. The realisation leaves me stunned,  Once more I am surrounded by those fences... That bind me from my freedom To run around and play, I'm stuck with all this homework, I'm missing out on the day!